전체 38
번호 제목 대표저자 출판일 조회
현대 아프리카의 이해
김성수 | 2020.02.24 | 조회 179
김성수 2020.02.24 179
African hip hop as a rhizomic art form articulating urban youth identity and resistance with reference to Kenyan genge and Ghan
박정경 | 2019.12.19 | 조회 194
박정경 2019.12.19 194
South Korean Social Science Research on Africa
최동주 | 2019.12.12 | 조회 206
최동주 2019.12.12 206
Dynamics of Korea-Africa Cultural Engagements
김수원 | 2019.12.12 | 조회 185
김수원 2019.12.12 185
The misadventure of Korea Aid: developmental soft power and the troubling motives of an emerging donor
김수원 | 2019.11.02 | 조회 189
김수원 2019.11.02 189
Policy Making in Foreign Language Teaching towards Globalization: the Act on the Promotion of Education of Critical Foreign Lan
박정경 | 2019.01.01 | 조회 185
박정경 2019.01.01 185
Who watches Korean TV dramas in Africa
김수원 | 2018.03.30 | 조회 213
김수원 2018.03.30 213
Blaming the Moi era: Memories of bad governance among Eastlands residents in Nairobi, Kenya
박정경 | 2018.02.01 | 조회 187
박정경 2018.02.01 187
Sector-based vote choice: A new approach to explaining core and swing voters in Africa
김은경 | 2017.11.29 | 조회 206
김은경 2017.11.29 206
Party Strategy in Multidimensional Competition in Africa: The Example of Zambia
김은경 | 2017.10.01 | 조회 190
김은경 2017.10.01 190